Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan pembangunan dan renovasi lapangan olahraga serta taman yang berkualitas tinggi.

Pembangunan Lapangan
An aerial view of a rectangular sports field surrounded by dense green trees. A road runs parallel to one side, with clear shadows cast by tall structures beside the field. The grass is well-maintained and vibrant, with a small building or structure visible at one end of the field.
An aerial view of a rectangular sports field surrounded by dense green trees. A road runs parallel to one side, with clear shadows cast by tall structures beside the field. The grass is well-maintained and vibrant, with a small building or structure visible at one end of the field.

Membangun lapangan olahraga sesuai standar dan kebutuhan klien dengan material terbaik.

An aerial view of a large sports complex featuring a central green football field surrounded by a red running track. Adjacent to the track, there is a parking area, buildings, and pathways. Nearby, there are additional sports courts in different colors, including a blue swimming pool and orange basketball courts.
An aerial view of a large sports complex featuring a central green football field surrounded by a red running track. Adjacent to the track, there is a parking area, buildings, and pathways. Nearby, there are additional sports courts in different colors, including a blue swimming pool and orange basketball courts.
An aerial view of two adjacent sports fields, one with sand, likely for beach volleyball, and the other a synthetic turf field, possibly for soccer. Surrounding the fields are green trees and a small structure with a tiled roof. There are a few people on both fields engaged in casual play. Various parked cars are visible at the bottom, next to a paved road.
An aerial view of two adjacent sports fields, one with sand, likely for beach volleyball, and the other a synthetic turf field, possibly for soccer. Surrounding the fields are green trees and a small structure with a tiled roof. There are a few people on both fields engaged in casual play. Various parked cars are visible at the bottom, next to a paved road.
Renovasi Taman

Renovasi taman untuk menciptakan ruang hijau yang indah dan fungsional bagi pengguna.

Kami siap membantu Anda dalam setiap proyek pembangunan dan renovasi yang Anda butuhkan.

Konsultasi Gratis

Proyek Kami

Menampilkan berbagai proyek olahraga dan taman yang kami kerjakan. Ciptakan ruang bermain yang aman, nyaman, dan menyenangkan untuk anak-anak! Kami membangun area bermain dengan material berkualitas tinggi, desain kreatif, dan fitur keamanan terbaik, agar si kecil bebas bermain dan berkembang dengan maksimal.

Area Bermain Anak

Lapangan Voli

Nikmati permainan voli yang seru di lapangan berkualitas standar internasional! Kami menghadirkan permukaan lapangan yang kuat, jaring berkualitas, dan desain profesional untuk kenyamanan dan performa terbaik dalam setiap pertandingan.

Lapangan Basket

Dapatkan pengalaman bermain basket terbaik di lapangan berstandar profesional! Dengan material lantai berkualitas tinggi, sistem pencahayaan optimal, dan desain yang presisi, kami siap membangun lapangan impian Anda.

Lapangan Multipurpose

Satu lapangan, berbagai fungsi! Lapangan multipurpose kami dirancang untuk berbagai jenis olahraga seperti basket, futsal, dan badminton. Dengan material tahan lama dan desain fleksibel, area ini menjadi solusi praktis untuk kebutuhan olahraga Anda.