Tentang Pilar Gemilang Mandiri

PT. Pilar Gemilang Mandiri adalah spesialis konstruksi lapangan olahraga dan playground yang sudah berpengalaman sejak 2017. Kami dikenal sebagai subkontraktor terpercaya dengan harga terjangkau dan hasil berkualitas tinggi.

Fokus kami adalah menghadirkan fasilitas yang aman, tahan lama, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 7 tahun, kami telah mengerjakan berbagai proyek sukses yang memuaskan. Wujudkan proyek impian Anda bersama kami—efisien, tepat waktu, dan sesuai anggaran. Anda dapat mempercayakan kami untuk menciptakan fasilitas terbaik dengan jaminan kualitas dan ketepatan pengerjaan.

A wide view of an outdoor area featuring a landscaped garden with large rocks arranged artistically. A pathway made of square stones meanders through the grass, surrounded by neatly trimmed bushes. In the background, a sports field extends into the distance, bordered by a blue fence. The setting sun on the horizon casts a warm glow across the scene, with partially cloudy skies overhead.
A wide view of an outdoor area featuring a landscaped garden with large rocks arranged artistically. A pathway made of square stones meanders through the grass, surrounded by neatly trimmed bushes. In the background, a sports field extends into the distance, bordered by a blue fence. The setting sun on the horizon casts a warm glow across the scene, with partially cloudy skies overhead.

Pelayanan pilar gemilang mandiri sangat memuaskan, proyek lapangan olahraga kami selesai tepat waktu dan berkualitas tinggi.

Budi Santoso

A well-maintained athletic field with a green grass surface is bordered by a running track in front. Trees form a dense backdrop, providing a natural barrier. A streetlamp stands alone on the field, and there are hints of buildings visible behind the trees.
A well-maintained athletic field with a green grass surface is bordered by a running track in front. Trees form a dense backdrop, providing a natural barrier. A streetlamp stands alone on the field, and there are hints of buildings visible behind the trees.
